I am a huge fan of listening to podcasts especially while driving my kids to and from school or getting work done at home. I struggle finding time to read books although I have a one book a month goal currently. But it’s so much easier to listen to podcasts.
If you have long commutes, podcasts are an amazing way to spend your drive time. I especially ensure my podcasts are clean and mostly Christian since I have my kids in the car often times.
My podcast lists ranges from mostly Christian podcasts on faith, marriage and motherhood, to those on leadership, entrepreneurship, blogging, and self-care. Podcasts can be listened to while running errands, working on your laptop, washing, cooking etc.
There are a ton of Christian podcasts for women available and it can be overwhelming to choose. That’s how I felt when I was getting into podcasts, but after searching and listening to a couple, I narrowed it down to a few great ones. I listen to some a lot more than others, but I am sure you will find most of them to be very impactful to your life.
For Christian podcasts, its a great way to spend some quality time with God. You get to study his word and grow in faith. I wrote a post a few months back about apps that can help your walk with God
Great Christian podcasts for moms and women
You will also find that most of these are some of the Best Christian podcasts on Spotify as well, although i tend to listen on Apple podcast.
1. Finding Joy in Your Home with Jami Balmet
This podcast by Jami Balmet helps to give you tools in building a Gospel centered home. She focuses on a variety of topics from marriage, biblical principles, womanhood, cooking, healthy living etc. she also interviews various women and homemakers, so you get a variety of experience to help you in this journey. I also love that it has topics regarding grumbling in the home because hey, we all grumble once in a while, right? These episodes give so much truth and practical tips to help build a Godly home.
2. Off the Bench with Heidi St. John
Heidi St. John hosts this podcast that focuses on bringing encouraging, relevant biblical truth to women. She features various guest speakers such as Priscilla Shirer whom I respect so much. It has a lot for moms, but you can learn so much from it regardless. It has topics from marriage, motherhood, raising Godly children, homeschooling.
3. Set apart girl with Leslie Ludy
This podcast by Leslie Ludy is for women of all ages. It focuses on pursuing Christ and how to be a Godly woman through biblical principles, purity, leadership, relationships, mentorship etc. The episodes are also quite short which I like, usually not more than twenty minutes. I love that it is for various ages, not just married or mothers especially in her episodes on purity, living space, spiritual warfare,
4. Milk and honey podcast (No longer running the podcast)
This was my favorite Christian podcast for women ever. It always felt like I was having coffee (or in my case water or green tea since I don’t do coffee) with girlfriends and gisting. Lindsey Maetas and Amaris Beecher both used to cohost the podcast and they talked about everything from marriage, faith, motherhood and friendships.
They also invited guest speakers to speak on various topics. Their episodes were so inspiring, convicting and eye opening. I learned so much from listening to them especially when it comes to topics on raising a Godly family and honestly checking your heart on various issues. I also loved that they were very honest and open in their discussions and let you know they are not perfect and are also learning just like we all are.
Although, it’s no longer running but you can still listen and be blessed with the past episodes.
5. Don’t mom alone podcast
This podcast for Christian moms is by Heather Macfadyen and focuses on connecting mothers to people and resources to help in this journey of life and especially to help you feel less alone as a mom. Truth be told, sometimes motherhood can get lonely and the more kids you have, the lonelier it can become. It’s easier if most of your friends are married with children as well, but if most of them are not, it tends to get hard.
This podcast really helps you understand that you are not alone in this journey and connects you with a community of other women.
One episode I particularly like is “thriving as an introverted mom” with Erin Morgan. I can relate as I am an introvert and its hard sometimes when I see other moms hanging out constantly in groups with other moms and kids while I really just enjoy being at home. Honestly, I love to pursue my friends and other relationships, but my mind just cannot always handle it as an introvert. But I am slowly learning that it’s okay to be this way and all I really need is a few deep friendships. I do not need to have a ton of friends or constantly be going out if I do not want to.
6. As for me and my house
I just recently subscribed to this podcast by Milena and Jordan. They are a married couple with kids and Milena vlogs on YouTube under Milena Ciciotti. I love this couple and on her YouTube page, they often share their bible study time together and show how they do it. It’s always so informative and thorough.
I love how open her husband Jordan is and how willing he is to dive into the bible and break it down. He shared an episode on the podcast about a guy’s perspective on waiting until marriage to have sex. Their podcast is for both men and women of all ages and focuses on teaching and exploring who God is through his word, family and life experiences. They constantly share their real-life experiences and involve God in all areas of it.
7. Risen motherhood
This is another motherhood podcast with Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler. It focuses on creating a space to share experiences and learn from others to help us navigate this journey of motherhood. As mothers, we do not always have it all together, we are all still learning and growing no matter what stage we are in.
Some of the topics teach about giving ourselves grace in motherhood, discipline, trusting God with our children, living the lives we want as mothers etc. They basically teach that the gospel of Christ affects all areas of our lives and does not need to be separate from how we live our lives and raise our kids.
8. Grit “n” Grace: Good girls breaking bad rules (Not updated since 2022)
A podcast by Cheri Gregory and Amy Carroll that teaches women to break out of bad rules that intend on making others happy while being unfulfilled. It helps you learn to follow Jesus’ guidance rather than the voices of everyone else.
They deal with issues we have as women where we think we need to be perfect to be accepted by others. Christ does not expect us to be perfect but the world makes us feel like we need to be and so we leave our place of rest in Christ and struggle with ourselves.
9. The fierce marriage podcast
This one is by Selena and Ryan Frederick and it has quickly become a favorite. They are a married couple who discuss openly and honestly all things marriage. Topics from sex, intimacy, finances, Godly marriage, kids, purpose, you name it. They also have various marriage books for husband and wife on their website.
They used to have this thing they did at the end of most podcasts, I think its called a heart check. They ask three questions: what is stirring your heart right now? Like what has God been telling you recently. What is in your ears? Like what music or what have you been listening to a lot. And what is in your hands? Like What book are you reading.
10. Dr James Dobson Family Talk
I think the first time I heard of Dr Dobson was a YouTube sermon on parenting and it was so powerful so when I heard he had a podcast I had to add it to my list. He has episodes on marriage tips, parenting, raising your sons and daughters and more.
11. Focus on the Family
You have probably heard about Focus on the family before. I heard about them I believe from spirit 105.3 and loved them. They have so many topics and have podcast channels broken into areas like parenting, marriage and more. The podcasts typically have guest speakers talking about various topics and my favorite are usually the ones on parenting and marriage specially ones focused on specific areas that help target your child’s strengths. A few of my recent favorite episodes are:
- Practical advice for parenting strong willed children
- Allowing Grace to transform your marriage
- Growing closer through family devotions
12. Living Easy with Lindsey
This is one of my favorite podcasts and for good reason. I first heard about Lindsey through her blog Sparrows and Lily, and then on the Milk and honey podcast and added her podcast after Milk and honey podcast ended and she started her own.
She is very down to earth and an open book about her struggles, marriage, parenting and more. I love when I listen to podcasts and the speaker does not seem like some perfect human that dropped from heaven but is someone I can relate with. She always lets her listeners know she is working through these things as she talks about them too.
She also features lots of great guest speakers on her podcasts and even her husband.
13. Live Well Anyway
This podcast is by Mackenzie Koppa and it is for moms who are seeking Jesus and also want to do their best to care for themselves and their families despite the busy-ness of life. I have not listened to this podcast that much but it was quite recommended.
What are some of your best Christian podcasts for women or even podcasts for Christian wives that you listen to and would love to share with others?
Conclusion on Best podcasts for Christian women
There you have it! Some of my top Christian podcasts for women. I hope you take a listen and add some to your podcast list to help you grow in your walk with Christ, as a wife and as a mother.